Rabu, 23 November 2011


Spermatozoid atau sel sperma atau spermatozoa (berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno: σπέρμα yang berarti benih, dan ζῷον yang berarti makhluk hidup) adalah sel dari sistem reproduksi laki-laki. Sel sperma akan membuahi ovum untuk membentuk zigot. Zigot adalah sebuah sel dengan kromosom lengkap yang akan berkembang menjadi embrio.
Sel sperma manusia adalah sel sistem reproduksi utama dari laki-laki. Sel sperma memiliki jenis kelamin laki-laki atau perempuan. Sel sperma manusia terdiri atas kepala yang berukuran 5 µm x 3 µm dan ekor sepanjang 50 µm. Sel sperma pertama kali diteliti oleh seorang murid dari Antonie van Leeuwenhoek tahun 1677.
Sperma berbentuk seperti kecebong, dan terbagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu: kepala, leher dan ekor. Kepala berbentuk lonjong agak gepeng berisi inti (nucleus). Bagian leher menghubungkan kepala dengan bagian tengah. Sedangkan ekor berfungsi untuk bergerak maju, panjang ekor sekitar 10 kali bagian kepala.
Urutan pertumbuhan sperma (spermatogenesis) adalah sebagai berikut: spermatogonium (membelah 2), spermatosit pertama (membelah 2), spermatosit kedua (membelah 2), spermatid dan tumbuh menjadi spermatozoa (sperma).
Pada pria dewasa normal, proses spermatogenesis terus berlangsung sepanjang hidup, walaupun kualitas dan kuantitasnya makin menurun dengan bertambahnya usia.

Berikut adalah diagram dari Spermatozoa Manusia

Complete diagram of a human spermatozoa en.svg

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Chord Serj Tankian - Empty Walls

Empty Walls by Serj Tankian
Standard Tuning - Capo3

Am... G.... Dm... F, E
Am... G.... Dm... F, E

Am          G
Those empty walls
Am          G
Those empty walls

Pretentious attention
Dismissive apprehension 
Don't waste your time 
On coffins today

[VERSE-2] (no seperation)
When we decline
From the confines of our mind 
Don't waste your time 
On coffins today 

Don't you see their bodies burning
Desolate and full of yearning 
Dying of anticipation 
F              E
Choking from intoxication 
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/s/serj-tankian/104667.html ]
Am     G      Dm F      E                Am
I want you to be left behind those empty walls 
      G      Dm  F      E                Am
Taunt you to see from behind those empty walls 




From behind those empty walls
From behind those empty walls
The walls 
E                       Am
From behind those empty walls 

(I loved you yesterday 
Before you killed my family) 

(I want you to be left behind those empty walls)


From behind those empty walls
From behind those fucking walls
From behind those Goddamn walls
Those walls
Those walls    

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011



Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Pola lapisan pada permukaan kayu
Kayu adalah bagian batang atau cabang serta ranting tumbuhan yang ngaceng karena mengalami lignifikasi (pengayuan).
Kayu digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, mulai dari memasak, membuat perabot (meja, kursi), bahan bangunan (pintu, jendela, rangka atap), bahan kertas, dan banyak lagi. Kayu juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai hiasan-hiasan rumah tangga dan sebagainya.
Penyebab terbentuknya kayu adalah akibat akumulasi selulosa dan lignin pada dinding sel berbagai jaringan di batang.
Ilmu perkayuan (dendrologi) mempelajari berbagai aspek mengenai klasifikasi kayu serta sifat kimia, fisika, dan mekanika kayu dalam berbagai kondisi penanganan.
Penampang melintang kayu. Titik bagian dalam adalah empulur, bagian kayu berwarna gelap adalah teras kayu, dan bagian berwarna terang adalah bagian kayu hidup (kayu pembuluh, memiliki pembuluh kayu fungsional).

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

DotA 6.71b AI + FUN v2.6

DotA 6.71b AI +Fun has just released by SuperWaitSum. This map added new hero such as Ramza and Old Raijin. Some bugs on the previous version also fixed. Check the dowload link below:

Here are the tavern list and the hero list:
1. Remade Tavern. The old version of remade heroes.
    Consist of : Kael the Old Invoker, N'aix the Old Lifestealer, Nortrom the Old Silencer, Morphling the Old Morphling, Rikimaru the Old Stealth Assassin, Pudge the Old Butcher, Chen the Old Holy Knight, Medusa the Old Gorgon, Razor the Old Lightning Revenant, and Raijin Thunderkerg the Old Storm Spirit.
2. Extinct Tavern. The heroes that no longer exist on the current DotA.
    Consist of : Maverick the Gambler, Balanar the Void Demon, Shaku the Rider, Tiourikikaze the God of Wind, Fanadin the Flame Lord, Mercurial the Avatar of Vengeance, Wanderer the Astral Trekker, Kahmeka the Bat Rider,and Melf the Conjurer.
3. Concept Tavern. The New Concepted Fun heroes.
    Consist of : Incohatus the Formless, Siglos the Disruptor, Quetzalcoatl the Mana Fiend, Beowulf the Templar, Ensign Ricky the Terran Marine, Loynis the Cleric, Puff the Magic Dragon, Cloud Strife, Kappa the Bastion, Ramza Beoulve the Tactical Hero, and Inky the Telekinetik Blob.
4. Tribute Tavern. Yet another New Concepted Fun heroes.
    Consist of : Rawrzi the Pet Summoner, CAPSLOCKFTW the Offender Of The Ancients, Maji the Persuasive, Darth Death the Hamsterlord, Boomerwang the Fluid Engineer, Frash the Hurricane, Petey Penguin the Intimidator, and Malragor the Felguard.

Nice timing. If you got bored with the current heroes on DotA or you missed the old heroes, why don't you give this map a try :)

Here is the download link:

DotA v6.71b AI Fun v2.6 via GameWebz

To activate the fun mode, just type -fun in the start of the game.

Don't forget to visit SuperWaitSum Blog and give him some thanks :)

Enjoy! :)

DotA 6.72f

DotA 6.72f map is officially out. IceFrog has released yet another fix patch to end the dominating streak of annoying bugs. Once again, it fixes a only bug with Syllabear Spiritbear's Return ability which was not functioning properly. Hopefully, DotA 6.72f remains bug free so it doesn't interrupt further development of DotA 2.

DotA 6.72f Map Download:

DotA 6.72f.w3x (mirror 1)

* Download the map file (.w3x) and extract it in your "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" sub-folder.

DotA 6.72f Changelogs:

* Fixed a bug with Spirit Bear's Return

IceFrog has apologized to the fans for the recent bug patches. This map is rumored to be the last version as DotA 2 is expected to be released in fall this year. You can catch the latest DOTA 2 News on DotA 2 Utilities.

DotA 6.72 AI

DotA (Defense of The Ancients)

Defense of the Ancients

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Defense of the Ancients
Defense of the Ancients loading screen as of version 6.70, featuring depictions of several heroes.
Designer(s) "Eul" (2003)
Steve "Guinsoo" Feak (2003-2005)
"IceFrog" (2005-present)
Platform(s) Mac OS, Mac OS X, Windows
Latest release 6.72f / July 21, 2011[1]
Genre(s) Mod
Mode(s) Multiplayer with 2-10 players
Single-player (AI versions)
Defense of the Ancients (commonly known as DotA) is a custom scenario for the real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.[2]
The scenario was developed with the "World Editor" of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of its expansion, The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; the most popular being DotA Allstars, which eventually was simplified to DotA with the latest release of version 6.72f.[3] This specific scenario has been maintained by several authors during development, with the current publicly anonymous developer known as "IceFrog" developing the game since 2005.
Since its original release, DotA has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; Gamasutra declared that DotA was perhaps the most popular "free, non-supported game mod in the world".[4] Valve Corporation is currently developing a sequel, Dota 2.




A game of DotA in progress
Defense of the Ancients pits two teams of players against each other: the Sentinel and the Scourge. Players on the Sentinel team are based at the southwest corner of the map, and those on the Scourge team are based at the northeast corner. Each base is defended by towers and waves of units which guard the main paths leading to their base. In the center of each base is the "Ancient", a building that must be destroyed to win the game.[5][6]
Each human player controls one Hero, a powerful unit with unique abilities. In DotA, players on each side choose one of 104 heroes,[7] each with different abilities and tactical advantages over other heroes. The scenario is highly team-oriented; it is difficult for one player to carry the team to victory alone.[8] Defense of the Ancients allows up to ten players in a five-versus-five format and an additional two slots for referees or observers, often with an equal number of players on each side.
Because the gameplay revolves around strengthening individual heroes, it does not require one to focus on resource management and base-building, unlike most traditional real-time strategy games. Killing computer-controlled or neutral units earns the player experience points; when enough experience is accumulated, the player gains a level. Leveling up improves the hero's toughness and the damage it can inflict, and allows players to upgrade their spells or skills. In addition to accumulating experience, players also manage a single resource: gold. The typical resource-gathering of Warcraft III is replaced by a combat-oriented money system; in addition to a small periodic income, heroes earn gold by killing hostile units, base structures, and enemy heroes.[9] This has caused emphasis on a technique called "last-hitting," which is when the player attacks a hostile unit when "its hit points are low enough to kill it with one blow".[10] Using gold, players buy items to strengthen their hero and gain abilities; certain items can be combined with recipes to create more powerful items. Buying items that suit one's hero is an important tactical element of the scenario.[11] Item choice also effects play style, as any given item may increase one statistic (for example, attack per minute) while leaving another (damage per attack) alone.
DotA offers a variety of game modes, selected by the game host at the beginning of the match. The game modes dictate the difficulty of the scenario, as well as whether people can choose their hero or are assigned one randomly. Many game modes can be combined (for example, an easy difficulty level and a random hero pick), allowing more flexible options.[12]


Warcraft III is the third title in the Warcraft series of real-time strategy games developed by Blizzard Entertainment. As with Warcraft II, Blizzard included a free "world editor" in the game that allows players to create custom scenarios or "maps" for the game, which can be played online with other players through Battle.net.[13] These custom scenarios can be simple terrain changes, which play like normal Warcraft games, or they can be entirely new game scenarios with custom objectives, units, items, and events, like Defense of the Ancients.[13]
The first version of Defense of the Ancients was released in 2003 by a mapmaker under the alias of Eul[14] who based the map on a previous StarCraft scenario known as "Aeon of Strife".[12] After the release of Warcraft's expansion The Frozen Throne, which added new features to the World Editor, Eul did not update the scenario.[15] Other mapmakers produced spinoffs that added new heroes, items, and features.[14]
Among the DotA variants created in the wake of Eul's map, there was DotA Allstars, developed by modder Steve Feak (under the alias Guinsoo); this version would become today's dominant version of the map, simply known as Defense of the Ancients.[16] Feak said when he began developing DotA Allstars, he had no idea how popular the game would eventually become; the emerging success of the gametype inspired him to design a new title around what he considered an emerging game genre.[17] Feak added a recipe system for items so that player's equipment would scale as they grew more powerful, as well as a powerful boss character called Roshan (named after his bowling ball) who required an entire team to defeat.[14]
Feak used a battle.net chat channel as a place for DotA players to congregate,[14] but DotA Allstars had no official site for discussions and hosting. The leaders of the DotA Allstars clan, TDA, proposed that a dedicated web site be created to replace the various online alternatives that were infrequently updated or improperly maintained. TDA member Steve "Pendragon" Mescon created the former official community site, dota-allstars.com, on October 14, 2004.[18]
Towards the end of his association with the map, Feak primarily worked on optimizing the map before handing over control to another developer after version 6.01. The new author, IceFrog, added new features, heroes, and fixes. Each release is accompanied with a changelog.[19] IceFrog was at one time highly reclusive, refusing to give interviews; the only evidence of his authorship was the map maker's email account on the official website and the name branded on the game's loading screen.[4] IceFrog now interacts with players through a personal blog where he answers common questions players have about him and about the game.[20] He has also posted information about upcoming map releases, including previews of new heroes and items.[21]
Defense of the Ancients is maintained via official forums. Users can post ideas for new heroes or items, some of which are added to the map. Players have contributed icons and hero descriptions and created the artwork displayed while the map loads, and suggestions for changes to existing heroes or items are taken seriously; IceFrog once changed a new hero less than two weeks after the new version of the map was released.[4] Versions of the scenario where enemy heroes are controlled by artificial intelligences have also been released. Mescon continued to maintain dota-allstars.com, which by the end of IceFrog's affiliation in May 2009 had over 1,500,000 registered users and had received over one million unique visitors every month.[18] Due to their separation, IceFrog announced that he would be further developing a new official site, playdota.com, while continuing game development;[22] Mescon closed dota-allstars on July 22, 2010, citing dropping statistics and his new passion for League of Legends as the reason for its end.
Because Warcraft III custom games have none of the features designed to improve game quality (matchmaking players based on connection speed, etc.), various programs are used to maintain Defense of the Ancients. External tools ping player's locations, and games can be named to exclude geographic regions.[4] Clans and committees such as TDA maintain their own official list of rules and regulations, and players can be kicked from matches by being placed on "banlists".[4]

Reception and legacy

The top three finalists from the first World Cyber Games Defense of the Ancients championship
The popularity of Defense of the Ancients has increased over time. The scenario was featured by Computer Gaming World in a review of new maps and mods in Warcraft III.[23] DotA Allstars became an important tournament scenario, starting with its prominence at the debut of Blizzard's BlizzCon convention in 2005.[24] DotA Allstars was also featured in the Malaysia and Singapore World Cyber Games starting in 2005, and the World Cyber Games Asian Championships beginning with the 2006 season.[25] Defense of the Ancients was included in the game lineup for the internationally recognized Cyberathlete Amateur League and CyberEvolution leagues.[26] Additionally, the scenario appeared in Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) 2008;[27][28] Oliver Paradis, ESWC's competition manager, noted that the high level of community support behind the scenario, as well as its worldwide appeal, were among the reasons it was chosen.[29]
The scenario is popular in many parts of the world; in the Philippines and Thailand, it is played as much as the game Counter-Strike.[30][31] It is also popular in Sweden and other Northern European countries, where the Defense of the Ancients-inspired song "Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA" by Swedish musician Basshunter reached the European 2006 charts at #116 and cracked the top ten Singles Charts in Sweden, Norway,[32] and Finland.[33] LAN tournaments are a major part of worldwide play,[29] including tournaments in Sweden and Russia; however, due to a lack of LAN tournaments and championships in North America, several teams disbanded.[30] Blizzard points to DotA as an example of what dedicated mapmakers can create using developer's tools.[34]
In June 2008, Michael Walbridge, writing for Gamasutra, stated that DotA "is likely the most popular and most-discussed free, non-supported game mod in the world".[4] In pointing to the strong community built around the game, Walbridge stated that DotA shows it is much easier for a community game to be maintained by the community, and this is one of the maps' greatest strengths. Former game journalist Luke Smith called DotA "the ultimate RTS".[35]
Defense of the Ancients has been credited as one of the influences for the 2009 Gas Powered Games title Demigod,[36][37] with the video game publication GameSpy noting the game's premise revolved around aspiring gods "[playing] DotA in real life".[38] Guinsoo went on to apply many of the mechanics and lessons he learned from Defense of the Ancients to the Riot Games title League of Legends.[17] Other "DotA clones" include S2 Games' Heroes of Newerth.[39][40] Blizzard Entertainment is also developing a free mod for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty entitled Blizzard DOTA, featuring an array of heroes from Blizzard's franchises.[41]


In October 2009, IceFrog was hired by Valve Corporation, leading a team in a project that he described as "great news for DotA fans".[42] Valve filed the trademark for "DotA" in August 2010,[43] leading to Steve Mescon to file a counter application of trademark for the phrase "Defense of the Ancients", on behalf of DotA-Allstars, LLC., in order to "protect the work that dozens of authors have done to create the game".[44] Dota 2 was officially announced by Valve in October 2010.[45]

Minggu, 24 April 2011


Apakah sinusitis itu?
Sinusitis adalah peradangan yang terjadi pada rongga sinus. Sinusitis banyak ditemukan pada penderita hay fever yang mana pada penderita ini terjadi pilek menahun akibat dari alergi terhadap debu dan sari bunga. Sinusitis juga dapat disebabkan oleh bahan bahan iritan seperti bahan kimia yang terdapat pada semprotan hidung serta bahan bahan kimia lainnya yang masuk melalui hidung. Jangan dilupakan kalau sinusitis juga bisa disebabkan oleh infeksi virus atau bakteri. Tulisan kali ini lebih menitikberatkan pembahasan pada sinusitis yang disebabkan oleh infeksi.
Apakah sinus itu?
Sinus atau sering pula disebut dengan sinus paranasalis adalah rongga udara yang terdapat pada bagian padat dari tulang tenggkorak di sekitar wajah, yang berfungsi untuk memperingan tulang tenggkorak. Rongga ini berjumlah empat pasang kiri dan kanan. Sinus frontalis terletak di bagian dahi, sedangkan sinus maksilaris terletak di belakang pipi. Sementara itu, sinus sphenoid dan sinus ethmoid terletak agak lebih dalam di belakang rongga mata dan di belakang sinus maksilaris. Dinding sinus terutama dibentuk oleh sel sel penghasil cairan mukus. Udara masuk ke dalam sinus melalui sebuah lubang kecil yang menghubungkan antara rongga sinus dengan rongga hidung yang disebut dengan ostia. Jika oleh karena suatu sebab lubang ini buntu maka udara tidak akan bisa keluar masuk dan cairan mukus yang diproduksi di dalam sinus tidak akan bisa dikeluarkan.
Apa yang menyebabkan sinusitis?
Sinusitis dapat terjadi bila terdapat gangguan pengaliran udara dari dan ke rongga sinus serta adanya gangguan pengeluaran cairan mukus. Adanya demam, flu, alergi dan bahan bahan iritan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya pembengkakan pada ostia sehingga lubang drainase ini menjadi buntu dan mengganggu aliran udara sinus serta pengeluaran cairan mukus. Penyebab lain dari buntunya ostia adalah tumor dan trauma. Drainase cairan mukus keluar dari rongga sinus juga bisa terhambat oleh pengentalan cairan mukus itu sendiri. Pengentalan ini terjadi akibat pemberiaan obat antihistamin, penyakit fibro kistik dan lain lain. Sel penghasil mukus memiliki rambut halus (silia) yang selalu bergerak untuk mendorong cairan mukus keluar dari rongga sinus. Asap rokok merupakan biang kerok dari rusaknya rambut halus ini sehingga pengeluaran cairan mukus menjadi terganggu. Cairan mukus yang terakumulasi di rongga sinus dalam jangka waktu yang lama merupakan tempat yang nyaman bagi hidupnya bakteri, virus dan jamur.
Apa saja tipe sinusitis?
Sinusitis dapat dibagi menjadi dua tipe besar yaitu berdasarkan lamanya penyakit (akut, subakut, khronis) dan berdasarkan jenis peradangan yang terjadi (infeksi dan non infeksi). Disebut sinusitis akut bila lamanya penyakit kurang dari 30 hari. Sinusitis subakut bila lamanya penyakit antara 1 bulan sampai 3 bulan, sedangkan sinusitis khronis bila penyakit diderita lebih dari 3 bulan. Sinusitis infeksi biasanya disebabkan oleh virus walau pada beberapa kasus ada pula yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Sedangkan sinusitis non infeksi sebagian besar disebabkan oleh karena alergi dan iritasi bahan bahan kimia. Sinusitis subakut dan khronis sering merupakan lanjutan dari sinusitis akut yang tidak mendapatkan pengobatan adekuat.
Apa saja gejala sinusitis?
Gejala sinusitis yang paling umum adalah sakit kepala, nyeri pada daerah wajah, serta demam. Hampir 25% dari pasien sinusitis akan mengalami demam yang berhubungan dengan sinusitis yang diderita. Gejala lainnya berupa wajah pucat, perubahan warna pada ingus, hidung tersumbat, nyeri menelan, dan batuk. Beberapa pasien akan merasakan sakit kepala bertambah hebat bila kepala ditundukan ke depan. Pada sinusitis karena alergi maka penderita juga akan mengalami gejala lain yang berhubungan dengan alerginya seperti gatal pada mata, dan bersin bersin.
Bagaimana mendiagnosa sinusitis?
Sinusitis sebagian besar sudah dapat didiagnosa hanya berdasarkan pada riwayat keluhan pasien serta pemeriksaan fisik yang dilakukan dokter. Hal ini juga disebabkan karena pemeriksaan menggunakan CT Scan dan MRI yang walaupun memberikan hasil lebih akurat namun biaya yang dikeluarkan cukup mahal. Pada pemeriksaan fisik akan ditemukan adanya kemerahan dan pembengkakan pada rongga hidung, ingus yang mirip nanah, serta pembengkakan disekitar mata dan dahi. Pemeriksaan menggunakan CT Scan dan MRI baru diperlukan bila sinusitis gagal disembuhkan dengan pengobatan awal. Rhinoskopi, sebuah cara untuk melihat langsung ke rongga hidung, diperlukan guna melihat lokasi sumbatan ostia. Terkadang diperlukan penyedotan cairan sinus dengan menggunakan jarum suntik untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan kuman. Pemeriksaan ini berguna untuk menentukan jenis infeksi yang terjadi.
Bagaimana mengobati sinusitis?
Untuk sinusitis yang disebabkan oleh karena virus maka tidak diperlukan pemberian antibiotika. Obat yang biasa diberikan untuk sinusitis virus adalah penghilang rasa nyeri seperti parasetamol dan dekongestan. Curiga telah terjadi sinusitis infeksi oleh bakteri bila terdapat gejala nyeri pada wajah, ingus yang bernanah, dan gejala yang timbul lebih dari seminggu. Sinusitis infeksi bakteri umumnya diobati dengan menggunakan antibiotika. Pemilihan antibiotika berdasarkan jenis bakteri yang paling sering menyerang sinus karena untuk mendapatkan antibiotika yang benar benar pas harus menunggu hasil dari biakan kuman yang memakan waktu lama. Lima jenis bakteri yang paling sering menginfeksi sinus adalah Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, dan Streptococcus pyogenes. Antibiotika yang dipilih harus dapat membunuh kelima jenis kuman ini. Beberapa pilihan antiobiotika antara lain amoxicillin, cefaclor, azithromycin, dan cotrimoxazole. Jika tidak terdapat perbaikan dalam lima hari maka perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memberikan amoxicillin plus asam klavulanat. Pemberian antibiotika dianjurkan minimal 10 sampai 14 hari. Pemberian dekongestan dan mukolitik dapat membantu untuk melancarkan drainase cairan mukus. Pada kasus kasus yang khronis, dapat dipertimbangkan melakukan drainase cairan mukus dengan cara pembedahan.
Apa komplikasi dari sinusitis?
Komplikasi yang serius jarang terjadi, namun kemungkinan yang paling gawat adalah penyebaran infeksi ke otak yang dapat membahayakan kehidupan.
Sinusitis jika diobati secara dini dengan pengobatan yang tepat akan mampu sembuh dengan baik. Segeralah ke dokter jika anda menjumpai gejala gejala sinusitis.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

RF Adventure


Level Cap : 80
XP Rate: 1000x
Sell Rate : 60x
Drop Rate : 30x
Upgrade Max +5
No Overpowered Players
Active GM's
Powerful Councils.
And Many More.
Download Here.


Client 1,9GB
Patch 65MB

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

char RF Adventure ku sama temen gw.
gw yang manusia.

sekarang udah lv 55.